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The Effect of Heat Treatment on Growth of TiO2 Nanorods

852-856Full Text

Roya Bakhshkandi* and Mahmood Ghoranneviss

This research paper intends to study the growth of TiO2 nanorods. In designing the experiment, the growth of nanorods has been realized by Hot Filament Chemical Vapor Deposition (HFCVD). The samples have been checked by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Raman spectroscopy, which has two peaks. The 230.32 cm-1, 302.23, 317.35, and 424.83 peaks are indicative of rutile phase and 134.70 cm-1, 390.71, 411.68 cm-1 peaks show the anatase phase. The results indicate that TiO2 nanorods have the best growth rate on Ni catalysts at 700 ℃ for 42 minutes.

Analysis of contents writing through a modern method course in faculties of Tehran Medical Islamic Azad University and comparing it with the approved topics in the year 2014-2015

857-863Full Text

Zahra Zafari and Omid Ali Hosseinzadeh*

The present paper was performed aiming at Analysis of contents writing through a modern method course in faculties of Tehran Medical Islamic Azad University and comparing it with the approved topics in the year 2014-2015 by a descriptive survey research method. Statistical population included all 110 faculties and specialists of educational sciences group. Sample volume was calculated as 86 people by Morgan table chosen by systematic random sampling. Data collection was done by author's questionnaire for which the stability was verified by Cronbach alpha of 0.839. One sample t test was used to analyze the data and the research showed that: Correspondence of in service training of writing through a modern method course was desirable according to approved topics of Tehran Medical Islamic Azad University and each component among curriculum, objectives, method, contents, and evaluation was significant and suitable in the considered period according to the participant professors. Also, the compliance of the elements of objectives, contents, method and evaluation in the curriculum of writing through a modern method course were suitable and significant.

Mulch effect on the characteristics of the Lays Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) Greenhouse in city Rudan

864-867Full Text

Majid Amiri Roudan* and Vahid Abbdosi

To study the effect of mulches on the yield of greenhouse cucumber Ladys factorial experiment in a randomized complete block design with three replications was conducted in Mesopotamia. Treatments consisted of first factor, the (Ladys) and the second factor mulch at five levels: 1. control (no mulch) 2. 3-plastic palm leaves dark 4 white plastic 5-plastics were clear. The results showed that genotype effect leaves per plant, plant height, plant weight, yield, earliness, yield a significant difference between the performance of the entire plant. The effect of mulch on the number of leaves per plant, plant height, plant weight, yield, precocity, the average yield of a plant, number of fruits per plant and the total yield was significant. The results showed that the Ladys other than the performance of more premature and white mulches increase earliness performance, the figure Ladys and white mulch produced the highest yield.

The Study of Special Education for Grade I Students with Child Brain Damage Syntactic Features in Tehran through U-Man Test

868-872Full Text

Leila Rezaie*, Maryam Iraji and Jinuss Shirvan

Process connection or in other words production and natural perception of speech sounds is a sophisticated phenomenon that concern a healthy brain. Language skill incur by the incidence of brain lesions at various levels to various degrees upto the extent where injury distances natural norms. These brain tumours may be created by the effect of brain attacks, accidents or stroke or by cerebral palsy. In the present study, in view of disruptions in the movement of the head and mouth organs – face, the syntactic features of grade one exceptional education brain damage in Tehran is examined further. In order to perform the study, six seven year old girls suffering from cerebral palsy located at zone 2 of educational and physical impairment rehabilitation centers of Tehran were considered where after direct examination and the examination of relevant organs states, the voice recording and speech samples extracted from U-Man Test were further studied. The obtained data indicated that there is a meaningful relationship between the functions of the head and mouth parts – face and the brain injured syntactic features generation among Tehran’s Grade 1 exceptional education children and that syntax production does not solely associate with a type of time delay.

Comparison of nitrogen fertilizer to grow tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum. L )in a sample attributes Calcareous soil

873-876Full Text

Hamed kochakinejad* and Vahid abdossi

The use of nitrogen fertilizers including ammonia and urea ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate is the tomato plant with the scientific name Lycopersicon esculentum L. soil cultivation evaluated in a completely randomized design with three replications It placed. test. Nitrogen fertilizers in each of the five levels of zero, 50, 100, 150 and 200 mg per kg of soil was used in the form of potassium nitrate, potassium . Element to 80 mg per kg of soil and the amount of phosphorus in the form of triple superphosphate 80 milligrams per kilogram of soil .Factors flower number, fruit plants and chlorophyll and plant height were recorded. The results showed that the highest percentage increase in plant height in the first stage of treatment, 50 mg per kg of urea and ammonium nitrate, the lowest percentage in the treatment of 200 mg per kg, and the largest percentage increase in height In the second phase of the treatment plant 150 mg per kg of ammonium nitrate, and the lowest percentage of treatment 200 mg per kg of ammonium nitrate and urea, as well as the highest number of goals in the treatment of 50 mg per kg, and the lowest number of goals related to the treatment of 100 mg per kg of ammonia, and the largest number of fruits treated with 100 mg of urea per kg, and the smallest number of fruits on the treatment 100 mg of ammonia, ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate, 200 mg and 200 mg per kg, and the maximum amount of chlorophyll in the treatment of 150 mg of urea, ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate, 150 mg, 150 mg of per kg, and 100 mg urea treatment for the least amount of chlorophyll per kilogram of soil.

The comparison of social health in non-athlete and athlete male and female disables and veterans with spinal cord injury of Tehran City

887-881Full Text

Bahareh sharifi and Soroush Fathi*

The purpose of this study was to compare the social health in non-athlete and athlete male and female disables and veterans with spinal cord injury. 150 subjects were randomly selected (Mage= 33±4). The instrument of this study was the Keynesian social health questionnaire. Levene’s test was used to analyze the data. The results showed that there was no significant difference between non-athlete and athlete disables and veterans in social health. Also, there was no significant difference between athlete and non-athlete male and female disables and veterans in social health. The evaluation of disables and veterans’ satisfaction in the field of sports facilities, the media reinforcement for the supporting of their exercise, disables and veterans’ appointment and selection in positions of related federations are suggestions that can be considered disables and veterans’ social health and lifestyle diversification.

Developing an Effective Organizational Culture on Organizational Entrepreneurship in Tabriz University of Medical Science

882-884Full Text

Nayyer Eskandari and Khosrow Sadr Haghighi*

Organizational culture encompasses values and behaviors that "contribute to the unique social and psychological environment of an organization". Organizational culture represents the collective values, beliefs and principles of organizational members and is a product of such factors as history, product, market, technology, and strategy, type of employees, management style, and national culture. Culture includes the organization's vision, values, norms, systems, symbols, language, assumptions, beliefs, and habits. Organizational culture is a set of shared assumptions that guide what happens in organizations by defining appropriate behavior for various situations. It is also the pattern of such collective behaviors and assumptions that are taught to new organizational members as a way of perceiving and, even, thinking and feeling. Thus, organizational culture affects the way people and groups interact with each other, with clients, and with stakeholders. In addition, organizational culture may affect how much employees identify with an organization. Corporate entrepreneurship, the entrepreneurial process within the organization, so all employees can act in the role of entrepreneurs and individual activities continuously, fast and comfortable in the central organization not score. When entrepreneurial activity by an individual or group within an organization's entrepreneur, entrepreneurial organization to say. There are numerous definitions for the term entrepreneurship researchers. In conventional terms of entrepreneurship (such as terms of physics, chemistry and mathematics) The concept brings entrepreneurship means innovation process and the phenomenon of supply (commercial) and entrepreneurship means a scientific discipline. Entrepreneurship course is the study of processes and phenomena entrepreneurship.

Relationship between mental health and occupational burnout among staff of management and medical emergency center

885-889Full Text

Rahil Ghorbani Nia, Mahsa Karamoozian, Salim Hamzeh Javaran and Milad Karamoozian*

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the relationship between burnout and mental health in medical emergencies of Kerman province Descriptive and correlational study is done in2015. Sampling was done randomly that its population was 500 of person operational staff and emergency and disaster emergency management center in Kerman province and 100 person selected as sample with using Morgan table To conduct research used mental health questionnaire Consisting of 82 questions and 4 components and Burnout Inventory Consisting of 88 questions and 3 components Spearman correlation test was used for data analysis software spss version 85 Burnout, on the scale of emotional exhaustion The majority of samples at a low level And in a majority of non-performance were high In the case of mental health 43 persent of samples were marked Also significant relationship was between burnout and mental health The findings revealed the relationship between that demographic factors, burnout mental health, gender, work experience The relationship between mental health and work history variables were significant Due to the stressful nature of the medical professional staff and management center and Emergency incidents And the high prevalence of mental health problems than the general population and burnout, especially in The younger and less experienced staff and strong relationship between the two variables mental health and burnout, So to prevent or solve problem Disaster management and emergency center staff sould be attention.

Meta-cognitive therapy and Brief Behavioral Activation Treatment to alleviate the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder

890-894Full Text

Marjan Karegarzadeh and Zahra Daneshvar*

Background: Although it seem that metacognitive processing system have a remarkable impact on general anxiety disorder (GAD), but studies about the effectiveness of metacognitive interventions in reducing the GAD symptoms are not frequent. The purpose of this study was comparing the effectiveness of metacognitive (MCT) and Brief Behavioral Activation Treatment (BAT) on reducing GAD symptoms and metacognitive beliefs. Methods: In this clinical trial study, 45 patients with GAD who met the diagnostic criteria by psychiatrist or psychologist, were selected randomly from the patients referred to psychiatric and psychological clinics and centers of Ahvaz City, Iran, in 2012. They were randomly assigned into three groups of cognitive-behavioral intervention, metacognitive intervention and control. Data were gathered before and after the interventions via general anxiety disorder scale (GADS) and metacognitive beliefs questionnaire (MCQ). Data analysis was done using Multivariate ANOVA and LSD post hoc statistical tests. Findings: There was a significant difference between three group scores at post-test (P < 0.01). The mean scores of metacognitive therapy group in GAD symptoms and metacognitive beliefs were lower than other two groups and as well as Brief Behavioral Activation Treatment group rather than control group. Conclusion: The metacognitive and Brief Behavioral Activation Treatment interventions are effective in reducing GAD symptoms and metacognitive beliefs but first one is more effective.

Study of embodiment in cognitive linguistics in sadegh hadayat’s the stray dog

895-899Full Text

Neda Hajimohamadi* and Maryam Iraji

Literature overtly uncovered the new doors from authors' concepts & works in terms of cognitive linguistics. The present study has worked on the basis of shapiro’s law of embodiment in cognitive linguistics. This research lighten up the embodiment as one of the cognitive concepts for better understanding of abstract concepts. It is also thinkable that concepts like symbolism & surrealism in what performance used by the author and how it is possible to be helped the transition of story message by embodiment. According to this reality, the researcher analyses with scrutiny the whole context of story. The main purpose of the research is to show the close relation between literatures, linguistics concepts at Persian literature area. The hypothesis of the research are: there are embodiments at the contexts of story and this embodiment due to the author’s characterization in story. The author have been affected by the surreal aspects of the story due to the French school. The research method of the study is analytic descriptive and the exact analysis of the data shows the existence of embodiment in this story. The story of sadegh hedayat’s life, thought’s and works high lights the reason for usage of embodiment & creation of surreal space where make its own path to the essence of embodiment due to hedayat’s characterization which this reality influenced by main body of the story. The result shows also the surrealism in the story affected by both French school and symbolism.

Comparison of different culture media on growth and yield of bell peppers (Capsicum annum)

900-904Full Text

Zeynab barzegar hafshjani*, Mostafa mobli and Vahid abdossi

In recent years, use of soilless culture (hydroponics) in the world, including Iran due to numerous advantages, such as: the possibility of planting in places where there is no soil or sand is basically the control of plant nutrition, reduce the incidence of disease. and pests and increase the quantity and quality of soil cultivation is expanding. In general it can be hydroponic culture from the standpoint of culture into liquid culture media and granulated culture media divided. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with eight treatments and four replications College of Agriculture, Isfahan. . Beds, including sawdust (100%) and a common platform (Peat 80% perlite 20%) respectively. Transplanting red pepper on 2012/09/29 after preparing the beds were transferred to pots. Watering and feeding nutrient Johnson (50%) in intervals of 45 minutes to an hour each time for one minute according to the plant and greenhouse temperature conditions. During the trial and the end of the vegetative growth factors, reproductive and performance were measured. The results showed the highest shoot dry weight, root dry weight, the earliest flowering, fruiting and the color of the treated sawdust. The results also showed the highest chlorophyll content of the peat bed. Different substrates significant effect on the number of fruits per plant, fruit weight and did not function however sawdust bed after Peat had the highest number of fruits per plant. The results showed that after Peat, in most cases the plants are planted in a bed of sawdust in vegetative and reproductive growth were better.

The Comparison of Styles of Parenting, Incompatible Schema & Juvenile Offenders and Non-Offenders Identity Style

905-908Full Text

Leiyla Rahmati* and Rahim Hamidipour

The aim of research is to compare parenting styles, incompatible schema, resiliency and juvenile offenders and non-offenders identity styles. In the garment research, offender boys of Education Reform Centre and non-offenders in Tehran were planned. The research sample consisted of 120 juvenile offenders and non-offenders selected from the capital exclusive. Further, by using various questionnaires such as Baumrind parenting styles (1972), Konorod Davidson resiliency (2003) and Berzonsky identity styles (1989) Young schema brief form questionnaire (2005) was next collected. The results indicated that among the three parenting styles of authoritative (=F15/04) (01/0>P) permissive (= F12/96) (01/0>P) and authoritarian (=F22/67) (01/0>P) significance of discrepancy existed between the two groups of normal children and felony which virtually revealed that in the whole scheme of maladaptive (=F68/17) (001/0>P) and all subscales except continence, title, strict criteria, self-sacrifice and involvement significance of discrepancy among the two groups of normal and felony existed i.e. in the total score of resiliency (=F21/14) (01/0>P) normative identity style (=F20/10) (01/0>P), the subscale of merit / personal strength (=F23/65) (01/0>P) intuition confidence/ tolerate negative emotions and acceptance (=F23/65) (01/0>P) between the two groups of normal and felony children significance of discrepancy was convincing. Yet, in the two subscales of control (=F3/32) (05/0>P) and spirituality (=F2/53) no significance of discrepancy was observed al. Though there were three styles of identity information (F=21/14) (01/0>P), normative identity (F=30/34) (01/0>P) and diffuse/avoidant (F=15/81) (01/0>P) between the two groups of normal and felony children and significance of discrepancy did exist.

Assessment of Value Orientations with Social Identity (among Miyandoab High School Students between 2014-2015)

909-914Full Text

Mesud Fazlalipoor Miyandoab*, Babak Nazari and Elham naderi

This study aims at assessing the connection between value orientations and social identitytaking among Miyandoab high schools students between 2014-2015. This study is of a survey type with whole Miyandoab high school students forming the statistical population (4523 students). This number equals 582 students under Cochran formula, which has been raised to 600 to increase the precision. Sampling method is random. Data gathering tool is the standard, self-made Finney questionnaire within two realms of social identity-taking and value orientations on Likert spectrum, validity and reliability of which have been reported by professors and Cronbach’s alpha method respectively. Social identity and value orientations have been analyzed at two levels of national and ethnic and upon Allport’s six fold classification respectively. The results suggest that except for economic values, there is a significant, direct relationship between students’ orientations and identity taking. Assessing value orientations within artistic, scientific and religious dimensions is higher than others.

Efficacy of Career Counseling on Professional Adaptability and Exhaustion in Employees of the North Western Branch of the Central Bank of Iran

915-918Full Text

Mahmud Moazzen Ferdows and Bijan Elmi*

Although the process of choosing a career during the life of the people consistently and continuously between individual characteristics, reasonable compromise is continuing with occupational conditions cannot alone be responds and all factors in choosing a career and not merely a logical or rational aspect of the affective aspect and merely psychological. Other necessary factors, occupational guidance and advice at present as they inevitable job involves continuous and ongoing guidance which by it to the person to be able to help select a suitable job, and be ready for it, it brings employment and progress in your career success is stained. Through occupational guidance and advice obtained from an exact image of the individual characteristics of the world brings jobs, occupational knowledge, imagine the elevations and a professional against the realities about the measurement and analysis of the realities and after the current data to choose a job that deals with personal satisfaction with this method and it is beneficial for the society. On the other hand today as its manpower capital of the Organization, with a several considerable problems and organizational management and psychological experts can identify with respect to the factors in the increase or decrease of human performance, positive factors on the impact of negative factors. Today, with a steady increase staff job duties at work. This is while spending more time working and this causes excessive pressure on them coming to be social workers working in hospitals are excluded from this. Nowadays, the expectations of employees within and outside the social system has been very high and it is constantly under pressure.